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New Y Chromosome Microdeletion (14 mutations) Test

What is Y Chromosome Infertility :

Y chromosome infertility affects the production of sperm and causes male infertility. An affected man's body may produce no mature sperm cells (azoospermia), fewer than the usual number of sperm cells (oligospermia), or sperm cells that are abnormally shaped or that do not move properly. Men with Y chromosome infertility do not have any other signs or symptoms related to the condition.

Sampurna is happy to announce the start up of a new test Y chromosome microdeletion (14 mutations) by Real-time Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of 14 micro deletions in human Y chromosome [AFZ – A/B/C region] associated with male infertility.

Azoospermia factor (AZF) refers to one of several proteins or their genes, which are coded from the AZF region on the human male Y Chromosome. The Y Chromosome microdeletion test helps in identifying the missing genes in the Y chromosome which might be prevalent in Azoospermic men. Research from meta analysis (Waseem et al., 2020) reported AZF deletions (AZFa, AZFb, and AZFb+c deletions) were present in approximately 13.48% of infertile cases in Indian populations.



  1. According to WHO, more than 15% of reproductive aged couples are suffering from infertility worldwide.

  2. Around 7.5% of patients with azoospermia or severely reduced sperm conc., a Y- microdeletion can be detected.

  3. Y chromosome microdeletion is a common cause of male infertility which is genetically involved.

  4. Microdeletions of azoospermia factors (AZF) on the Yq region are the second most frequent spermatogenesis disorder among infertile men after Klinefelter syndrome.

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